One of our proudest achievements has been creating and growing a community of supporters and cheerleaders - young and old - who follow our team both on and off the ocean. We’re pleased to be able to share some resources that we have been working hard with our partners to create that will allow everybody the opportunity to get more involved with the HMS Oardacious story.

These products, ranging from school lesson plans to fundraising packs have opportunities for all ages to join in with the fun.

We’re also going to be getting the team to answer some of your questions during the race. If you have something you’d like to ask, whether it’s about the wildlife they’ve seen, what they’re missing most or how they’re feeling, feel free to send them to us via Social Media or


Activity pack

Working with RNRMC and the Submarine Family we are pleased to share the HMS Oardacious Activity pack.

With information about the boat and the team, activities to do at home over Christmas and fundraising ideas, this is the perfect pack to keep busy over the Christmas holidays.

It also includes a map of the race with a cut out rowing boat so you can follow us along during the race!

Educational Resources

In conjunction with the Royal Navy Outreach Team we have been able to create 3 lesson plans that introduce the HMS Oardacious plan whilst allowing schools to learn more about Mental Resilience, building an ocean rowing boat and how we make water, both at sea and on Submarines.

These lesson plans are primarily targeted at Secondary School pupils however there may be some material that can be used by Primary school pupils.


Follow along the race with the Reach the World expedition site in the form of an expedition diary. The team will be submitting articles, logbook and photos from during the race, culminating in a post-race online interview which anybody will be able to attend! We’re hoping to cover lots of different themes in conjunction with RTW and show what life is like in the open ocean in a rowing boat!


HMS Oardacious are proud to highlight that they will be working closely with Never Such Innocence during the 2022 Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, hoping to allow children to take the opportunity to enjoy following the race and learning more about the challenges for those in the Submarine Service and their family. We are also hoping to run workshops for the children of those currently serving in the Submarine Service.

Working with NSI we have already been able to create the Oardacious Sea Shanty, following a workshop at a school in Portsmouth. We look forward to being able to support many other workshops and engagements during the upcoming race. Inside the Fundraising pack there is information about the Poetry competition we’re running and we also look forward to any artwork you create that you can share with us via Social Media or email

 If you are interested in a workshop with NSI, please contact Katie Salari at